Writing Great Grants - A Murdock Trust Podcast

Writing Great Grants - Assessment

M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust Season 1 Episode 6

"Everything that matters can be measured, but not everything that can be measured matters."

It is quite common these days for foundations and donors to look for ways in which they can “measure” the success of the grants they have provided. Best practice in both the not-for-profit and the philanthropic sectors calls for robust assessment and fruitful “investment” or stewardship of resources in seeking to fulfill their mission. But it is also easy to fall into the trap of pursuing metrics rather than digging deep to understand the real impact of an investment.

In this episode of the Writing Great Grants podcast, Dana Miller and Steve Moore talk about Assessment, why it's important and how funders and nonprofits can think differently about measurement to deliver ideal results.

For more reading on this: https://murdocktrust.org/2019/10/talking-point-assessment/